
We eat it this way

I was on the first floor, waiting for a friend. It was a normal afternoon, I went to an office to get some documents. Coincidentally, a friend is working in a shared office, which is in the same building.


What do you want to eat?

One evening, I was with some friends and we were thinking about dinner. I mentioned some restaurants nearby and asked them what they really wanted to eat.



A couple of weeks ago, I was at the table, working on creating some documents for a new project. Then, I got a call from a friend. After the talk, I was checking the files and I just couldn’t remember what the next step was.



In a hostel kitchen, I was talking to a friend, who’s from Germany. He told me that his grandparents used to live in Poland for quite a long time. Therefore, he went to Poland so many times.


Wine map

A few days ago, I just mentioned some pins about traveling on Pinterest. In particular, we can see some pins with certain topics. For example, a wine map of Spain.



I don’t know how many people are still using Pinterest. I opened an account on Pinterest a long time ago. However, I didn’t actively use it previously.



A couple of days ago, I met a friend from Slovenia. We used to stay in the same hostel and play basketball. Moreover, we talked a lot about history in China because that’s a major area that he’s studying.


Instant noodles

A couple of months ago, I met a friend from India in a hostel. He indicated that he’s from Bangalore and currently working in a marketing technology company. One evening, he was in the kitchen and had his dinner. That evening, his dinner was instant noodles.


Chat GPT

A few months ago, I was trying to write an article and a friend asked me what I was doing. I told him what I did. Then, he asked me an interesting question.



A few months ago, a friend and I planned to go to watch a firework show. We were quite excited and invited some friends to join us.


Taking a bus

A few days ago, I watched a video on YouTube. It was a video about taking a bus in Japan.


Walk safely

A couple of weeks ago, I watched a YouTube video, which was recorded by a friend. He shared his experience in Japan. In particular, he shared his “walking” experience in Japan.


The boss is abroad

A couple of months ago, I was in the office, discussing a project with some colleagues. However, a colleague indicated that there might be little progress on this project because the president is abroad.


Party on Thursday?

A couple of days ago, I saw a photo on a friend’s Facebook post. He and other friends went to a party on Thursday night.



I arrived at the train station in Strasbourg. I was looking around and trying to access the WIFI service at the train station. However, it didn’t work.



A few months ago, I was talking to a friend, who’s from Berlin. He was going to start his new job soon. Before going to work, we planned to watch the fireworks.



A couple of months ago, a supervisor of the company organized a BBQ event and invited all employees to the party.


I just need a cup of milk tea

After a long flight from Sao Paulo to Doha, I waved goodbye to a friend at the airport and I flew with Qatar airways from Doha to Hong Kong.



“Hello, are you available now?” A staffer at the airport asked me.
“We would like to ask you a few questions.” She kept saying.


Duty free shop

A few weeks ago, a new member joined the company that I work for and we are currently working on some projects.



A couple of months ago, I was searching for some flight tickets online. After seeing the price on google flight, I was quite surprised because the ticket prices were beyond my expectations.



A few weeks ago, I watched a video on YouTube. A well-known global business leader indicated his failure in a speech. It wasn’t easy to face those tough failures. However, he learned from those failures and gradually built a global business. The speech was truly inspiring.


Business trip, good?

A few days ago, I met a friend who is from Korea. She is a tour guide and organizes trips for Korean tourists. Normally, there are several trips in a month.



I was with a friend in a bar at a hotel. We were watching an important football match. My friend used to be a football player and played for the national team.



In June, football star Leo Messi decided to go to America and now, he is playing for Inter Miami. It was certainly huge news in football, in sports and in the world.



A few days ago, I got a message from a friend. She would have to give a speech and asked me whether I got some ideas about choosing a topic of the speech.


​​Netflix documentary

A couple of days ago, my friends and I were watching some series on Netflix. After watching the show, a friend asked me if I would like to see anything else.


Flight delay

A few months ago, I watched the news on TV. On TV, lots of tourists were blaming the airline because they had to sleep at the airport.


Reaction to traveling

Recently, I saw some friends’ posts on Facebook. They were talking about some trips that they took a few years ago.


​​Where is it from?

I passed by a local convenience store and saw something interesting.


Pick up

I used a public telephone at a hostel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I called a friend, telling him that I had already arrived in Amsterdam.


Pick up?

A few months ago, I was watching a live event on YouTube. It was a former NBA star’s tour in Asia. The organizer arranged an event at the airport and told the fans that it’s welcome to come to the airport.



When I was traveling to Europe for the first time, the first destination was the Netherlands. I arrived in Amsterdam in the morning. It took me a while to arrive at the hostel.



A couple of months ago, my MacBook Air wasn’t functioning well. I had to ask a friend, who’s an engineer, to help me identify the problem and find a solution.


I’m tired

A few months ago, I was watching a video on a website. A baseball manager asked his player whether he was tired because the player just played in a huge tournament.


Mountain climbing

I was in a hostel kitchen, and a friend was using a water bag. I asked her the size of the water bag and she said it was a 1500 ml one.


Commission fee

It was around 8 or 9 p.m., I was walking on the street in Eastern Europe. In some areas, there wasn’t light. I had to meet someone who’s managing a guesthouse. Roaming service wasn’t available and I didn’t have any connection to the Internet.


Commission fee

In mid-March, a friend went to Japan on a business trip. He’s a journalist, going to Japan for a huge sports tournament.



I was in a movie theater and in the theater, there was a well-known director. I came to say hello to him because one of my friends used to collaborate with him in some parts of the movie.



A few months ago, I went to meet a massage therapist. During the therapy, he asked me whether there are any problems with my stomach.



A few weeks ago, I went to a night market with some friends. After walking for a while, a friend said that he was a bit hungry and we decided to get some food for dinner.


Night market

A few months ago, I went to a well-known night market in Southeast Asia. In the night market, there were so many tourists and I met some friends from other countries.


Vitamin B

A couple of days ago, I just took some vitamin B and a friend saw it. He asked me what I took and I indicated that it’s vitamin B, which is a well-known Japanese brand.


Life is tough

A few months ago, I stayed in a hostel. In the evening, I met a new friend who’s from Japan. His hometown is nearby Osaka and a good thing is that he likes traveling.



A few days ago, I was in a meeting and someone just mentioned translation. I don’t precisely remember how the conversation ended. But, anyway, I remember a project that I used to manage around 12 years ago.



A few days ago, there was news on yahoo. The news was that some guests were complaining about the price of a well-known hotel chain.


Long queue?

Yesterday, I passed by a ramen shop and there was a long queue. It’s a well-known ramen shop and there aren’t too many seats in the shop. So, it’s not a surprise to see the long queue.


Wedding gift

A couple of months ago, some friends and I went to a wine shop. The main reason why we went there was that we decided to prepare some wines for a friend as a wedding gift.


Factory visit?

A few days ago, I went to visit a friend in his office. At the same time, his son was also in the office. His son is only 6 years old and he really likes cars.


Travel sustainable?

A few months ago, I traveled with a friend and we stayed in a guesthouse. While reviewing the information of the guesthouse on booking.com website, I saw an interesting badge.