
I’m tired

A few months ago, I was watching a video on a website. A baseball manager asked his player whether he was tired because the player just played in a huge tournament.

The player’s reaction was so interesting. He pretended that he would like to sleep and said, “I’m tired.” The video went viral and some of my friends just kept laughing. After watching the video, I thought about a story while I was traveling in Paris.

It was my first trip to Paris. After visiting several tourist attractions in a day, I was ready to take the metro to go back to the hostel. However, in one metro station, it was full of people, but there was no metro coming. I didn’t know what was going on there. It was quite late and I was wondering whether I would be able to go back to the hostel that night.

I was on the platform, trying to understand what happened. Suddenly, someone just touched me. I was actually a bit afraid if there was a pickpocket. I slowly turned around and carefully. Wow, two friends. They saw me and knew that we stayed at the same hostel.

I couldn’t speak French and didn’t know what was going on with the metro. They could communicate a little bit in French. It seemed that there were some problems with the metro. So, there were some buses outside the metro station. I just followed them and 30 minutes later, we came back to the hostel.

We each got some food at the hostel lobby and we chatted a bit to know each other’s trip during the day. In the end, I asked them if they would like to eat some bread I prepared. They all said, “We are full and tired.” Indeed, after a day trip and being stuck in the metro, we were tired. 

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