

I arrived at the train station in Strasbourg. I was looking around and trying to access the WIFI service at the train station. However, it didn’t work.

I was supposed to meet a great friend and I was a bit nervous without the WIFI service. Suddenly, I saw a familiar face. My friend just arrived at the station, waiting for me.

He just finished his work at the lab and thought that it would be ideal to come into the station. He’s one of the smartest friends I’ve ever met.

I quickly dropped my luggage in his place and we went to see the beautiful city of Strasbourg. We walked around the town and there were actually many tourists that day.

We quickly grabbed some food for dinner and then my friend told me that we were going to watch a light and sound show.

We went to a riverside and chose a good spot to sit. We didn’t wait too long and the show began. It was a great show and I really liked it. In the summertime, the light and sound show is a must-see for tourists who come to Strasbourg. For me, as a tourist, it was certain to spend an evening at the riverside and watch the show. Moreover, for my friend, who worked in Strasbourg, it wasn’t a bad idea to watch the show on the weekday after a long hour of work.


Back then, it was probably the first light and sound show I saw as a traveler. It was new to me and I really like the show. The more I travel, the more light and sound shows I see. Nonetheless, I still remember that great show at the riverside in Strasbourg, it was a place to sit at the riverside and enjoy a night in the summer with a great friend. 

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