

“Hello, are you available now?” A staffer at the airport asked me.
“We would like to ask you a few questions.” She kept saying.

A few years ago, I was at the Hong Kong International Airport, waiting for a flight to Delhi. On the way to the gate, a staffer stopped me and asked me if I could spend some minutes filling out a questionnaire. The question isn’t difficult, it’s about improving the service of the airport.

I still had to wait for a while for the flight, so I took a seat and had a talk with the staffers. We talked about some international airports in Asia and what we saw in some countries in Asia. It was a great talk and I put down some opinions on the questionnaire. Additionally, I got a couple of beverages after completing the questionnaire.

I don’t know if people like to take questionnaires. For me, if I’m not in a rush, I don’t mind spending some minutes filling the form. However, it was actually the only time that I took a questionnaire at the airport. And, overall, the experience was good. Firstly, I got a seat, and I could put my bags on the table, so I could answer the questions comfortably. Secondly, the staffers were really nice and I could chat with them easily. Additionally, there’s something free. I was actually a bit thirsty, and a couple of free beverages were pretty good incentives to complete the form.

I believe the most staffers at the international airports are super busy and they have a lot to do each day. However, it’s also important to improve the service. I haven’t been to Hong Kong or passed by the Hong Kong airport for quite a while. I don’t know whether they took my suggestions. But, I would like to see something different next time.

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