
Factory visit?

A few days ago, I went to visit a friend in his office. At the same time, his son was also in the office. His son is only 6 years old and he really likes cars.

In the office, the kid asked my friend to see whether he can watch a video on YouTube. It’s a video of a toy factory. The kid certainly wants to know a little bit more about the toy factory and he looked quite excited to watch the video. While seeing him, I thought about some factory visits while traveling.

Several years ago, I arrived in Bologna on a sunny afternoon. I took a taxi from the airport to a museum. It’s the Lamborghini Automobile Museum. I saw so many great Lamborghinis in the museum and those Lamborghinis are just so beautiful.

However, a key thing to do is to visit the factory. A staffer from the Lamborghini museum introduced the factory to us. In the factory, I saw the assembly line and gained a clearer understanding how a great Lamborghini was made. It truly takes time and I can see the materials they used are of the highest quality. Well, there are a lot of people who have rich knowledge about cars and Lamborghini. So, I’m not going too deep about the car.

An important thing is that during the factory visit, taking photos is not allowed. You can ask the staffer if you have any questions. But, just don’t take any photos. For me, it was quite interesting to see a sports car be made. And, it clearly shows that a great sports car is a masterpiece and it truly requires lots of effort from different workers in the factory. Well, I probably won’t buy a Lamborghini car in the near future. Nevertheless, every time I see a Lamborghini on the road, I recall the memory of that sunny afternoon. 

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