
Walk safely

A couple of weeks ago, I watched a YouTube video, which was recorded by a friend. He shared his experience in Japan. In particular, he shared his “walking” experience in Japan.

Additionally, a few days ago, I saw another friend’s post on Facebook. He indicated that after staying in Japan for a while, he’s been a bit scared of walking on the road in his home country.

Walking is probably the most important thing for me while traveling. Normally, I walk a lot when I travel. Walking on different streets helps me see the city and explore lots of interesting things.

However, sometimes, walking might not always be safe while traveling.

In some countries, you have to be careful on the street. For example, a friend shared his experience while traveling in a country in Europe. He was traveling with some friends and one of his friends got pickpocketed.

In addition, some friends shared their experiences while traveling in some countries in Southeast Asia. Well, most scooter drivers are driving carefully. However, some drivers drive a little bit crazy. And, while walking on the street, you have to be careful because some of these crazy drivers might accidentally hit you.

Finally, a professor told me that he was going to an APAC conference in Latin America. He saw some beautiful scenes and decided to take some photos. He took some photos, but not so long after taking those photos, his phone got stolen on the street.

Previously, I thought that walking on the street might be dangerous. Nonetheless, after walking on different streets around the world, I understand that there are some risks in some areas or on some streets. Before traveling, it’s extremely important to do some homework and understand if there are some areas which are not so safe. While traveling, it’s better not to go on those streets, in particular, walking alone.

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