

I was with a friend in a bar at a hotel. We were watching an important football match. My friend used to be a football player and played for the national team.

Now, he’s a trainer and still plays football. Well, more precisely, futsal. I gained a lot of knowledge about football and training from him. Additionally, he also shared some insights about helping professional athletes.

For me, professional athletes at different ages have very different methods to train, in particular, during the offseason. He indicated that for some older athletes, the most important thing is to relax and recover. They don't need to train crazily and work out several times a week as they did when they were young. If they don’t spend enough time recovering, it might hurt their careers.

I really enjoy talking with him and he always helps me gain new knowledge. After speaking with him, I truly believe the importance of relaxing and recovering.

I like traveling. However, most of the time, I prefer not to travel crazily. I like to travel at a slower pace, so I can see and feel the city. Additionally, for me, the main objective of traveling is to help me regain energy and relax.

So, it’s important to have enough sleep during the trip. Moreover, I don’t plan to do so many things or go to too many places in a day. Hence, I won’t get exhausted after a day trip. Furthermore, I can take a deep breath in a different city without thinking too much about work.

Previously, people were encouraged to work hard. Well, this concept isn’t wrong. However, it’s important to know that relaxing or taking a break is necessary in our life. People might get tired and need time to recover. Thus, just relaxing a bit isn’t a bad idea. And, traveling truly helps me relax and recover. 

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