
We eat it this way

I was on the first floor, waiting for a friend. It was a normal afternoon, I went to an office to get some documents. Coincidentally, a friend is working in a shared office, which is in the same building.


We decided to have lunch. My friend provided some suggestions. Then, we decided to get Hainan chicken rice. There were many people in that restaurant and, indeed, it seems that they provided good chicken rice.


We each ordered a Hainan chicken rice meal. When the meal was ready, my friend asked me if I needed chili sauce. Normally, I don’t eat anything which is spicy because my stomach will rock.


However, my friend, who’s from Malaysia, said that we eat chicken rice with chili sauce. Well, that made me change my mind because I would like to try Hainan chicken rice as local people do. So, I put some sauces on the chicken. And, it tasted really good.


While traveling, I normally ask local people to teach me how to eat local food. For me, it’s the best way to experience the local culture. For example, in Japan, I went to some BBQ restaurants and ramen restaurants with some Japanese friends. I learn how to eat ramen and BBQ food as they do. And, I also learn the differences between my home country and Japan.


I was truly glad that we decided to eat Hainan chicken rice that day. It’s one of my favorite things to eat. And, I remember that several years ago, a friend bought a Hainan chicken rice bento for me before going to a baseball game. Now, I learn how Malaysians eat Hainan chicken rice. Well, my friend might not be 100% correct. I understand that each one has his or her own preferences. But, this gives me a new way to taste this cuisine. 

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