

A couple of months ago, my MacBook Air wasn’t functioning well. I had to ask a friend, who’s an engineer, to help me identify the problem and find a solution.

Fortunately, my MacBook Air is still working now. However, when I use this laptop, I recall the memory of traveling to Europe for the first time.

Back then, I traveled to Europe with a huge luggage, a big backpack and a bag. In the luggage, there was an old BenQ laptop, which was heavy. Looking back, it’s certain that I didn’t make a good decision.

In particular, when I took a train from Milan to Roma, in the early morning, I had all that stuff with me. When I was on the train, after putting all the stuff away, there was not much room. On the train, I basically didn’t move and stayed in my seat for more than 3 hours. It wasn’t an easy trip.

When I arrived in Roma, I used the laptop to post some photos on Facebook. Additionally, I had to stay in touch with some friends on MSN messenger. Yes, msn messenger, I guess some people might not know what msn messenger is. However, unfortunately, something happened. When I was chatting with a friend on MSN messenger, the laptop crashed. I had to restart the laptop and thankfully, it still worked. Nonetheless, I told my friend that I couldn’t stay online too long because I didn't know when the laptop would crash again.

Furthermore, a worse thing happened after the trip. When I came back home and tried to use the laptop, it didn’t work. I was trying to fix it and sent it to a customer service center. Unfortunately, I got a phone call a few days later, the staff indicated that they can’t fix the problem. My first journey to Europe was the last journey of that laptop.

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