

A few weeks ago, I watched a video on YouTube. A well-known global business leader indicated his failure in a speech. It wasn’t easy to face those tough failures. However, he learned from those failures and gradually built a global business. The speech was truly inspiring.

After watching the video, I began to think about my journeys to several countries. I’m lucky to be able to travel to so many cool cities around the world, visit famous museums and see spectacular buildings.

However, there’s one thing which is very important. If I don’t try, I will never visit so many cities or countries around the world. It’s very important to try and learn from some failures.

I've visited several countries. I used to make some mistakes, nonetheless, thankfully, those mistakes didn’t cause huge troubles. Otherwise, I might not keep traveling.

For me, I still remember that more than 10 years ago. I had an idea to travel alone. I bought flight tickets through a travel agency and booked hostel rooms online. Back then, I just had an idea. Then, I had a plan and gradually, I went to the airport, took a flight to Europe, landed in Europe and began the journey.

If I didn’t take the first trip, there probably wouldn't be the second trip or the third trip. Sometimes, a key thing is to just do it. You don’t have to hesitate too much and just make sure you have everything necessary, then click the “go” button.

There might be some problems on the road, you might fail. However, learning is an important process. I’ve learned so many cool things and met friends while traveling. Looking back, a friend said that I was courageous. Nevertheless, I thought that I just pressed the “go” button. I began the journey and have explored so many cool things. 

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