

A few months ago, I went to meet a massage therapist. During the therapy, he asked me whether there are any problems with my stomach.

Well, my answer was yes. I sometimes feel uncomfortable with my stomach. Then, the therapist told me that I have to avoid eating certain foods. For example, I should have avoided eating some beans.

After listening to what the therapist said, I recalled a story. I went to an Indian restaurant with a couple of friends. That restaurant served pretty good Indian food and we enjoyed having dinner there. However, a few hours later, I woke up at midnight. My stomach didn’t feel ok and I had to go to the bathroom.

I ate a plate of chickpeas that day and my stomach was bloated. I just didn’t feel quite well that night. After talking to the therapist, I realized the main problem. And, now I basically avoid eating chickpeas.

However, a few days ago, I met a friend from India. She cooked a bowl of chickpeas and asked me whether I would like to eat some. Well, I have to kindly say no because I have to be very careful on my stomach.

Traveling is a lot of fun and we can experience so many great things. However, it’s important to know your body. Firstly, don’t arrange too many things in a day and your body will be too exhausted. Additionally, you have to know what to eat. In particular, in some countries, you have to avoid eating some food, which might not be clean or fresh. Otherwise, you might be sick and being ill is not a good thing while traveling. Finally, if there’s something you don’t want to eat or you can’t eat, just don’t do it. Don’t be afraid to say no even if the food is provided by a great friend. 

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