
Wine map

A few days ago, I just mentioned some pins about traveling on Pinterest. In particular, we can see some pins with certain topics. For example, a wine map of Spain.


After seeing the wine map, I began to think about a friend, who’s an expert in wine. Additionally, I remember that he used to organize a trip with some friends in Bordeaux. I saw a friend, who went on the trip with him, share some photos on Facebook. It seems that they went to several wineries.


I was quite jealous that they went on the trip to Bordeaux. However, back then, I was busy and couldn’t join them. But, I asked my friends whether it’s worthwhile to organize a trip to Bordeaux.


Well, it truly depends on whether you like wine. However, for me, it could be interesting to do while traveling.


I probably won’t travel to a city or a country only for wine. Nonetheless, having a wine map might not be a bad idea. Additionally, spending a couple of days tasting high-quality wines is surely a good thing to do while traveling.


I don’t know when I will be able to travel to France again. But, with my friend’s experiences in going to some wineries, I might plan a trip to some wineries while traveling. For example, there are some wine tours in Napa Valley.


I will surely ask my friend how to create a “wine map” of my own and learn how to plan a short trip if I have enough time to visit some wineries. I won’t be an expert like my friend. However, it will certainly create some good memories by visiting some wineries. Nonetheless, before that, I might have to study a little bit. Additionally, I will save more pins about wine maps on Pinterest and do some homework before planning a trip. 

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