

A couple of months ago, a supervisor of the company organized a BBQ event and invited all employees to the party.

Overall, the event was ok. I like some foods provided at the party such as pork, scallops and fishes. After the event, I recalled a story that I went to a BBQ restaurant with some friends while I was traveling in Brazil.

It was in December, I traveled with some friends in Rio. After walking a lot during the day, a friend organized a dinner at a Brazilian BBQ restaurant. Well, I don’t remember much of what I did that day. But, that dinner was still pretty vivid.

We sat down at the restaurant and that night, there weren’t too many guests. So, we could chat easily at the restaurant without worrying too much. Staffers were showing some foods such as beef, pork, sausages and several other choices to us. We just needed to choose what we wanted. I remember that I ate a lot of BBQ chicken, pork and sausages that night. Additionally, a friend, who's French, ordered a bottle of wine.

The food that the restaurant served was pretty good and tasty. However, a thing came to my mind. “Calories.” Those meats and sausages are high-calorie food. And, a friend and I began to joke around. A friend said, “The blood might be stuck.”

BBQ food, most of the time, is pretty good and tasty. However, it’s not ideal to taste too much or too often. Additionally, after eating BBQ food, it might take several days of exercising to erase some calories. Actually, I didn’t have other opportunities to taste Brazilian BBQ food after that trip. Nonetheless, the memory at that restaurant was great. That was one of the best BBQ restaurants I’ve been to. Nonetheless, for me, I probably won’t taste as much BBQ food as I used to. 

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