

A couple of months ago, I was searching for some flight tickets online. After seeing the price on google flight, I was quite surprised because the ticket prices were beyond my expectations.

After seeing the ticket prices, I texted a friend to ask him about the flight ticket prices. He told me that the ticket prices normally fell between a range. However, in the summertime, the flight ticket prices usually will go really high.

Yes, I was checking the dates in the summer and that’s why the ticket prices are so high. Thankfully, I know some friends who work in travel agencies. Once I have some questions, I can quickly ask some friends to figure out what’s going on. Moreover, I can gain first-hand information from them and understand whether there are some policy changes within different countries.

By asking this friend who works for a travel agency for more than 10 years, it makes me think of a key thing. Do I really have to travel in the summer? Perhaps, I can find a much better deal by waiting for a few more weeks.

Well, while traveling, budget is an important thing for me to consider. I understand that it’s not easy to always buy super cheap flight tickets. Nonetheless, for me, it’s better to buy flight tickets that fall in the reasonable range. Of course, the cheaper, the better.

After talking to that friend, I began to think and make a new plan for the next trip. I would like to travel, however, if I have to pay the flight tickets at such a high cost, it doesn’t look like a great decision. Once I can pay for the flight tickets at a lower cost, I might have extra money to use in some other things, for example, to get some good meals or buy some collectibles. 

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