
Chat GPT

A few months ago, I was trying to write an article and a friend asked me what I was doing. I told him what I did. Then, he asked me an interesting question.

“Why don’t you use chatGPT?”


Back then, I only heard of “ChatGPT”, but I never tried to use it. My friend told me that I could try to use it by using his account. After using it, I thought it was pretty interesting and decided to sign up for an account.


I used it to help me search for some information. And then, I just came up with an idea. Maybe I can plan a trip by using chatGPT?


So, I decided to have a try. I used chatGPT and tried to plan a 3-day trip in Japan. Well, I only asked about a 3-day trip in Tokyo.


I’m not going to put what chatGPT showed. However, it’s basically a well-structured answer. It demonstrated that in the morning, there are some places to go, in the afternoon, there are some tourist attractions worth going and in the evening, there are some suggestions.


I went to Tokyo before and those itineraries look reasonable. After seeing the result, I guess that in the future, using chatGPT could be quite helpful to plan some trips.


I truly appreciate that my friend encouraged me to use chatGPT, it could help me solve some problems. Of course, there is still a lot to do on planning a trip. But, using chatGPT might be a good guide to start planning. However, there’s always an important thing. You have to ask questions precisely. The more precise you provide, the more it can help. Therefore, I will still do some homework before using chatGPT. After getting some feedback from chatGPT, I will do other work and ask other questions to try to get the best I could get. 

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