
Mountain climbing

I was in a hostel kitchen, and a friend was using a water bag. I asked her the size of the water bag and she said it was a 1500 ml one.

Then, I asked her why she had that bag. She told me that she would go mountain climbing the next day. We quickly chatted a bit and I wished her lots of fun.

While traveling, I sometimes went to some mountains. However, I never really tried mountain climbing during a trip. But, I know some friends who are really into mountain climbing.

A friend from Slovakia has stayed in China for around 10 years. Every time I saw his photos on Facebook, he always went to some mountains in China. Additionally, I asked him some questions before planning a trip to Czech or Slovakia. He told me that it would be great to spend time on some mountains. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to plan a trip as he recommended. But, every time I saw his photos on Facebook, it was just so spectacular that he could visit so many places on the mountains.

In addition, a friend’s family organized a family trip to Japan. The main goal for them was to climb mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan. Before the trip, they climbed some mountains in the region where they lived several times, so they can get used to the pace of climbing mountains. Eventually, they successfully climbed Mount Fuji and I saw the photo, they looked just so happy.

Mountain climbing has been popular in some countries and some of my friends really like to do it. A few days ago, I saw a friend share his itinerary and he planned to go to Malaysia to climb a mountain. I texted him and wished good luck. He was very confident that he would make it to the top of the mountain. 

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