

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the table, working on creating some documents for a new project. Then, I got a call from a friend. After the talk, I was checking the files and I just couldn’t remember what the next step was.


I don’t know what was going on. However, I guess that I was too tired and couldn’t remember what I was supposed to do. Well, forgetting something to do wasn’t ideal. But, sometimes, it happens.

As growing older, it might be getting more difficult to retrieve old memories. And, forgetting something might happen more often. While talking about this, I thought about a story of a well-known director, who filmed some documentaries.


In an interview, he indicated the reason why he decided to retire early from his job and become a full-time director. He mentioned that he could receive much more pension if he chose to stay on his job for one more year. However, he couldn’t wait, he quitted the job and made an amazing documentary film. The main reason why he chose to retire earlier than expected was that he thought that he couldn’t wait. He was getting older. Well, getting older and older, it would be more difficult to control the camera. Therefore, he didn’t want to wait for one more year because he couldn’t predict the future and he wouldn’t know if he could still control the camera well.


In the end, his documentary film has a huge impact on the environment. Additionally, his story inspired many people. Well, now, for me, writing some memories of traveling is surely a great idea because someday, I might not be able to retrieve them again. If I put down some words, someday, it will probably become easier to help me recall some good memories while traveling. 

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