

A few months ago, I was talking to a friend, who’s from Berlin. He was going to start his new job soon. Before going to work, we planned to watch the fireworks.

The fireworks were on a Wednesday, and we were really excited. However, due to incumbent weather, the firework show was canceled.

We did go to another firework display on a Sunday in the summer. Nonetheless, after watching the firework show. I began to wonder whether it’s a good idea to watch a firework show on the weekdays.

For me, watching a firework show is quite interesting and I enjoy watching firework shows with friends. While traveling, I used to watch several firework shows, however, most of those firework shows were on the holidays.

But, going to a firework show on the weekdays, it’s better to plan earlier. For example, my friends and I had to decide where to meet first. Additionally, we had to figure out when to meet. We did have a plan to watch that firework show on Wednesday. Unfortunately, it was canceled.

Nonetheless, going to a firework show on the weekdays isn’t a bad idea. Firstly, most people have to work the next day and there are fewer people to watch the show on the weekdays. So, you don’t have to experience watching a show in a crowded place. Additionally, many of us have experience going out for dinner or grabbing a drink on the weekdays. Sometimes, it’s a good way to relax a bit after work. Hence, going to watch fireworks on the weekdays might not be a bad idea because it could erase some pressures.

Fireworks are a good way to attract tourists and there are several cities where tourists can watch great firework shows. As the new year is coming soon, I heard some friends plan to go to some cities to watch fireworks to start the year. 

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