
Reaction to traveling

Recently, I saw some friends’ posts on Facebook. They were talking about some trips that they took a few years ago.

It’s pretty interesting to see those photos and see other friends’ journeys. While seeing those photos, I thought about a trip I took.

It was more than 10 years ago, I booked a flight to Amsterdam and it was the first time that I traveled alone. During the trip, I occasionally posted some photos on Facebook and some friends were surprised that I decided to travel to Europe. Moreover, some friends left comments on Facebook, indicating that the scenes in Europe are beautiful.

In addition, some friends were glad that I actually made the trip. In particular, a friend was thinking about traveling alone, but she had some concerns if she could do it. After seeing me post some photos on Facebook, she decided to plan a trip to Europe and she asked me whether we could have dinner. She would like to know how I planned the trip.

In general, most friends were positive on my trip and they would like to see me share something interesting during the trip.

However, a friend had a different point of view. Back then, I just finished compulsory military service and I decided to travel before looking for a new job. When this friend saw my posts on Facebook, he asked me why I chose to travel, instead of looking for a job. Furthermore, he sent a message to me, demonstrating that I might regret it because I shouldn’t spend too much time on having fun.

Well, I won’t say he’s wrong. However, each one has his or her life. Some prefer to work crazily and some people like to have a work-life balance. I respect my friends’ perspectives. But, for me, it wasn’t bad to travel before starting a new job. 

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