

I was walking on the street with my backpack. It was at midnight, I was going back to the apartment that I rented in Spain. Then, a police car came by and the police asked me to stop.



A couple of days ago, I listened to a podcast show and on the show, the host and the guest were discussing the latest apple products.


Where can you sleep?

A few days ago, I was working in a Starbucks. In that Starbucks shop, I saw a man sleeping and it seemed that it was a comfortable place.


Street food

“Overeater night in a night market.” A Facebook “on this day” post was shown up a few days ago. It was a great night when I went to a local night market with a friend from the Philippines.


“Service fee”

Several months ago, I was watching a YouTube video that a pilot shared his experience in taking a train in Italy.


Qatar world cup

The 2022 Qatar Football World Cup has been one of the hottest topics recently. Football fans are talking about the matches and many people who don’t follow football can even watch lots of news. This event definitely attracts attention around the world.


How many days are enough?

A friend shared his itinerary a few days ago. He was super excited to travel soon, additionally, some friends were discussing planning a trip to Bangkok.



A few months ago, I was watching a YouTube live stream. A pilot shared his recent traveling experience in France.


Do you wanna take it?

Sometimes, you don’t have too much time to think and all you can do is just react fast.


Credit card

Last night, I was chatting with a great friend and we discussed a lot of things such as business and life. For him, there have been a lot of changes recently. We also talked about traveling and again, we talked about his trip to South Korea a few years ago.


Get out

A couple of days ago, I was watching a live show on youtube, and some people just left some comments. The host saw those comments and he was unhappy. He quickly said something and yelled, “Get out.”



Before checking out in a hotel, I always check again to make sure that I don’t miss anything, in particular, my passport or wallet. Additionally, I usually throw all the trash in a trashcan to kind of clean the room.


So early

Normally, I like to have enough sleep during a trip because I like to take a break and regain energy by traveling.


Extreme weather

This year, it was quite hot in the summer. I talked to some friends in the summer and they didn’t want to go outside because it was just too hot.



Each country has its visa policy and its own requirement for applying for a visa. Before going to travel, it’s important to understand the visa policy and avoid violating any rules.



A few weeks ago, I watched a video on YouTube. In the video, a pilot shared information and he indicated the differences between Airbus A350 and Boeing 787.



It was a late night. A friend woke me up and I quickly grabbed the luggage. Some friends and I were going to the cars we rented.



It was a sunny morning. I was in a kayak in the river. I didn’t do too much but just enjoyed the sunshine.



Recently, I just reached 1400 days of practicing Spanish on Duolingo. Well, the level of my Spanish has certainly improved, however, am I fluent in Spanish? Certainly not.



A couple of months ago, I saw some beers in a convenience store. There was a beer festival campaign, in which you can find beers from different countries in a store during a certain period. Normally, it lasts like one month. I found some beers from Finland and when I checked the address, it was a city that a friend used to live in. I quickly texted my friend to ask him whether the beer factory is near his home.


Order food

I was in Zagreb, Croatia. I was traveling and stayed at a friend’s place. One day, my friend asked me whether I would like to get some pizzas.


Nobody’s watching TV

It’s been more than 13 years since I first traveled to the Netherlands. It was my first time traveling alone and I was quite nervous because I didn’t know what to expect during the trip. But, looking back, it was indeed a great start and I truly enjoy traveling.


Stamps, insufficient?

I was chatting with some good friends online a few days ago. We were colleagues several years ago and after leaving the company that we used to work for, we still keep in touch. However, we aren’t living in the same city as we used to be. When I travel, I normally send them postcards.


How to plan a trip?

Recently, I met a friend that I haven’t met for quite a while. However, it’s always great to meet him and previously, we used to travel in China and we still shared some fun memories of that trip.


Jet lag?

It was around 6:30 p.m. I arrived at the Sao Paulo airport and a friend’s father was waiting for me and the other friend. We were going to a wedding in Brazil. The first night, we would stay at an apartment in Sao Paulo.


What are we doing there?

Just a few days ago, I was listening to the radio and a song was playing. The song is sung by a world-renown pop star. Additionally, this song made me think of a trip.



Around 7 or 8 years ago, a great friend who is from Japan decided to go to Greece. He told me that he just wanted to take a break going back to work.


Next to you?

A few days ago, I was watching a movie on TV and it was a movie about something that happened on a flight. Watching that movie made me think of some people I met on a flight.



I was checking in a book exhibition a few months ago. In the exhibition, I can easily see lots of books from different countries. Moreover, I can buy some books that I would like to read. Additionally, there is a shipping service if you really buy a lot of books.



Keys are very important in our daily life. You need a key to lock and unlock the door of your house. You need a key to open or start an automobile. While traveling, we need a key to open the door of a hotel room or the door of an apartment.


Trust your partner?

A few years ago, a friend published a post on Facebook and he was looking for a travel partner who just happened to travel in Northern Europe. Luckily, he met a friend who’s from the same country.


Global selling?

I went to meet a friend in his office a couple of months ago. He was in a zoom meeting and it was a meeting organized by a global retailer. My friend was trying to understand a little bit more about doing business globally.



“Are you superstitious?”

A friend asked me. Well, I don’t think I’m superstitious. However, something unexpected happened while I was traveling.


North or South?

A couple of weeks ago, I watched a TV show and the guests were discussing the differences between the South and the North in the country.


F1 driver

A few days ago, I just watched some videos on YouTube and some video recommendations showed up. I clicked one and it was a video about a formula one driver becoming a salesman at a car dealership.



I was browsing on a Japanese online retailer’s website and trying to see if there’s something cool to buy. I saw a notice.



My friend and I went to a restaurant in Tokyo for dinner, we got some food and beers that night. We haven’t met for like 10 years, and it was truly a great night and we chatted a lot about living in Japan. After dinner, we still chatted a bit on the street and then we each went to take a metro. In the metro station, I felt something in my stomach.



I ordered a cup of coffee and got the receipt. I checked the code on the receipt and entered the code.



I was checking some apartments for rent, on the google map, it clearly showed that it’s like 30-40 minutes from that apartment to school.


Luggage inspection

Safety is always the top priority while traveling. And, it’s necessary for travelers to follow policies implemented by the airlines or airports.


Why do you travel?

During my first trip in Europe, I went to Paris for a few days and stayed in a hostel. One evening, I was at the hostel, thinking if I should buy some souvenirs for my friends and family.


Waste my time?

Venice, Italy

Traveling is fun and there are lots of cool things to experience during a trip. However, something might not perfectly satisfy your expectations while travelling.



I arrived at a friend’s place in Paris at night. He opened the door, but he didn’t seem to be happy.


Postal service

“Hey man, how are you?”

“How have you been?”

A friend sent me a message via Facebook messenger a couple of months ago. He’s a great friend of mine and now he lives in Croatia. I used to travel to Croatia to visit him a couple of times. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, we can only keep in touch by sending messages.


Recommended by local people

I just met a good friend a few days ago and stayed at his place. Every time I visit him, we always eat a lot. He has his own map of cuisine and in particular, in the city he lives. He never let me down.


It’s free, it’s free

There is nothing more expensive than something free. There is something free for a reason. While traveling, you must be careful if someone is telling you something free or offering you something free.



Reading is one of the great things to do. By reading, I can learn different perspectives from other people and learn from other’s experiences. When I was a kid, there was a lesson that I had to read a book in a library each week. Growing up, going to a bookstore is quite common in my life. I like to see whether there are any new books available. Some books have influenced me a lot.



A couple days ago, I read an article about a fishmonger’s story. He grew up in a fishmonger family and he decided to return home to be a fishmonger after getting an admission offer from graduate school in a prestigious university.


So efficient?

For me, I usually travel at a slow pace. Most of the time, I don’t plan to visit too many places in a day. Hence, if I want to stay in a place such as a museum or a store for a longer time, I can just stay there.


Return, again?

A couple of days ago, I read a book, which was written by a former MTV general manager. He graduated from a prestigious university, working in the banking industry across different continents. Then, he became a leader in MTV. For many people, he’s surely considered a person with a lot of success in his career. However, he decided to leave. He traveled a bit and went back to the school where he graduated.