

Keys are very important in our daily life. You need a key to lock and unlock the door of your house. You need a key to open or start an automobile. While traveling, we need a key to open the door of a hotel room or the door of an apartment.

When I was traveling in Lithuania, I booked a place on booking.com. It was an apartment in the old town. Then, I realized that it was an apartment operated by a manager. The manager gave me the key of the apartment and the code to the front door.


The first day, I did enjoy visiting the old town and exploring the city. However, on the third day, things were getting a bit more interesting. I had to leave at midnight. So I talked to the apartment manager and I could leave the luggage in the apartment. Hence, I could come back in the evening to get my luggage. Nonetheless, he told me that he would take the key. He would leave the key under the carpet of the apartment. So, when I came back, I could use the key under the carpet to open the door. Additionally, he told me to leave the key under the carpet after getting my luggage. For me, that’s quite weird because there are some people who live in the building, and I didn’t really quite understand if that was a safe decision.

Eventually, I returned to the apartment in the evening. I checked the carpet and saw a key under the carpet, so I got my luggage and went to the bus station. It was actually a weird experience, but thankfully, nothing bad happened and my luggage wasn’t lost. I just checked on booking.com a couple days ago, well, that apartment wasn’t listed on the website.

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