
Next to you?

A few days ago, I was watching a movie on TV and it was a movie about something that happened on a flight. Watching that movie made me think of some people I met on a flight.

The first time I flew to Europe, the person who sat next to me was from Cambodia. He indicated that he was going to study in the Netherlands and it was his first time coming to Europe. I told him that I was going to travel in Europe. He said that I was courageous.

When I flew from Doha to Sao Paulo, I sat at a window seat. A woman and a kid sat next to me. They are from the Middle East. On the flight, the woman was with her hijab all the time. Additionally, they fell asleep after boarding. I had to wake them up carefully before going to the lavatory. Moreover, they didn’t take the meal served because they were sleeping. When they woke up, they asked the flight attendants for some food.

In addition, I took a flight from New Delhi to Hong Kong, the destination of the flight was Seoul. Thus, on the flight, some passengers didn’t have to get off the plane. When I was ready to get off, the woman who sat next to me was quite sleepy and I kindly asked her to move a little bit.

If you travel alone, you really don’t know who will sit next to you. Fortunately, I haven’t met someone very strange or met someone who did something strange on a flight. For me, I like to sit in a window seat on a long-haul flight because that makes me sleep better. However, it’s a bit more difficult to go to a lavatory because you have to pass by someone next to you. For me, being polite is always the best policy.

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