

“Are you superstitious?”

A friend asked me. Well, I don’t think I’m superstitious. However, something unexpected happened while I was traveling.

A friend told me that, each year, Mercury retrogrades three or four times, and during this period, there could be some problems in communication and transportation.

Before my first trip to London, I booked flight tickets online. However, when I received flight tickets via email, I found that my ID number on the boarding pass was wrong. I was trying to solve this problem, however, back then, I was in Spain and I needed a friend from Spain to call customer service. Thankfully, the problem was solved.

Nonetheless, it was just the beginning. I arrived in London around 10 p.m. and the Airbnb host was really good, picking me up at the airport. However, on the way to his place, a key highway was under reconstruction. Hence, the host had to switch to a different highway, which took a much longer time. Additionally, we had to pick up another friend in another airport in London. After a long drive, we arrived at the airport. Nevertheless, I didn’t see my friend. I didn’t know what’s going on. Then, after a while, my friend came out. He indicated that there was a long queue before passing the custom control.

Finally, we met and then headed to the Airbnb place. At midnight, we arrived.

The next day, I saw a friend’s post on Facebook and he indicated that mercury retrograde and it was quite hectic that week. And, I told him what happened on my trip. He said, “Retrograde impacts you.” Well, I don’t know if it’s a superstition. But, things did happen during that time. Error on the flight ticket and some transportation issues happened. However, I didn’t miss flights, at least.

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