

Around 7 or 8 years ago, a great friend who is from Japan decided to go to Greece. He told me that he just wanted to take a break going back to work.

A few days later, I saw him post some photos on Facebook. However, in those photos, I only saw some dogs and my friend was not in any of those photos. Some people like to share photos while traveling. Some like to take selfies. Some like to share photos of people. Some like to share photos of scenes or buildings. Nonetheless, this friend, he only shared some photos of dogs. That really tells me that he likes dogs.

Nonetheless, for some people, it might not be fun to see an animal while traveling. I used to go to Florida with some friends. One afternoon, we went to a restaurant for lunch. We chose to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. We sat down and were ready to order. Suddenly, a squirrel came out. A friend was super scared and she quickly ran away. At the same time, another friend didn’t move and began to use her camera to take some photos. She quickly took several photos. The squirrel didn’t move and that friend who ran away didn’t come back. And, that friend kept yelling, “What are you doing?”

Well, we knew that we had to “ask” the squirrel to move, otherwise, that friend probably wouldn’t choose to sit. So, we carefully let the squirrel move and clean the table again. So, that friend came back and sat. During lunch, that friend was very careful to see if there were squirrels nearby. Thankfully, we can finish lunch with any distractions.

On the road, we might see some animals while traveling. Meanwhile, it’s important to understand the difference in each country. For example, you can easily see cows on the road and you have to be careful.

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