
Luggage inspection

Safety is always the top priority while traveling. And, it’s necessary for travelers to follow policies implemented by the airlines or airports.

Around 10 years ago, I flew from Zurich to Boston. It was my first trip to the United States. I was in the airport with a friend and we were ready to board. However, someone approached me and asked me to follow him. There was a small room and some other tourists were also there. He’s a security guy and asked me to open my bag. He carefully checked my bag and saw what’s inside. Well, I don’t have anything forbidden, so, I was fine.

Nonetheless, luggage inspection sometimes is really annoying. Several times, when I was traveling in the U.S.A., I found a baggage inspection notice in my luggage. Moreover, there was one time I opened my luggage and it was just a mess. It seemed that the TSA really checked my luggage carefully. Additionally, I had a laptop in the luggage. After that trip, the laptop wasn’t able to function again. A few days later, I went to ask a customer service staff in that laptop company to see if it’s possible to fix the laptop, however, I got the feedback after two or three days, the customer service staff indicated that the laptop would not be able to be fixed.

Safety is surely important while traveling. Nonetheless, some policies might not always be friendly. Thankfully, the data from that laptop was not lost, but I just won’t be able to use it again. Each country has its own safety policies and with the outbreak of the covid-19, we also see each country implement different policies to international travelers. Sometimes, it might be annoying for travelers, however, we all want to have a safe, healthy and happy trip and that’s something we have to follow.

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