
Why do you travel?

During my first trip in Europe, I went to Paris for a few days and stayed in a hostel. One evening, I was at the hostel, thinking if I should buy some souvenirs for my friends and family. I was walking in the hostel lobby and met a guy from the same country where I came from. It was so interesting to meet him and I asked him why he was also in Paris. He told me that he went to France to learn how to cook. He went to Lyon and stayed there for a while and just came to Paris for a few days. Each one has her or his own reason to begin his or her journey. For me, I just wanted to explore the world and began to travel. I didn’t really think too much. However, this friend came to France to learn how to cook. Additionally, I met a friend who owns a chocolate bakery and he frequently goes to Japan to learn new techniques or understand new trends. In addition, some friends love music and they travel around the world to watch so many concerts or see pop stars. Every time, they just share so many photos after going to a huge event. I believe that there are many different reasons for people to travel. Some might sound too crazy. But, you just need a reason to start.

After talking to him, I went to get some souvenirs in some shops. He pointed me to some places on the map and suggested that I go to some places to see whether there is something that fits my expectation. I truly appreciated that he did help me and clearly provide good suggestions. I haven’t met this friend again and I do hope he fulfills his dream to be excellent in cooking.

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