
So early

Normally, I like to have enough sleep during a trip because I like to take a break and regain energy by traveling.

However, I sometimes woke up very early. When I was in college, I traveled to an island with some high school friends. On the third day of the trip, we would like to go to a famous hot spring. The hot spring is well known because you can watch the sunrise and it’s a saltwater hot spring.

We woke up around 4:30 a.m. and we quickly prepared to go out. When we went out, it was so dark and we could clearly see many stars in the sky. Then, we rode scooters to the hot spring. It was still quite dark and we rode carefully. When we arrived at the hot spring, there were already some people.

Additionally, one time, I saw there was a flight ticket promotion online and I quickly booked a round-trip ticket. However, the return flight was in the early morning. On the last day of the trip, I stayed in a hostel near a train station. I didn’t sleep much that night. At around 4:00 a.m., I checked out of the hostel and went to the train station. I took the train to the airport and around 5:00 a.m., I arrived at the airport. I tried not to sleep before boarding, otherwise, I might miss a flight. After boarding, I quickly fell asleep. After 2 hours, I woke up before landing.

For me, sleep is very important and a good quality of sleep is necessary in our life. Hence, I like to sleep well while traveling. But, sometimes, I have to wake up early and go to some places in the early morning. I usually try to sleep early and set several alarms. Moreover, I usually get some sleep after going back. 

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