
So efficient?

For me, I usually travel at a slow pace. Most of the time, I don’t plan to visit too many places in a day. Hence, if I want to stay in a place such as a museum or a store for a longer time, I can just stay there.

However, for some people, they like to see as many as possible. Around 10 years ago, two friends decided to plan a trip to Italy. They decided to start from Rome and eventually, they would be going to Venice.

One day, I met one friend and he shared what they did during the trip. My friend told me that they saw so many things during the trip. The first day, they woke up early and saw the coliseum. They stayed in the coliseum for a while and then walked a lot that day.

In the next few days, they kept walking a lot and went to so many places. They had been to so many churches and monuments. Moreover, they woke up quite early because the other friend would like to see all the places on the to-do list.

In addition, it was probably the 5th or the 6th day of the trip. They had to wake up at around 6:00 a.m. because they had to visit a church that is not so close. In the morning, they didn’t even eat breakfast served by the hotel and began the journey that day.


It was a memorable trip for them and they saw a lot during the trip. However, they never travel together again. Each one has its own pace in their life. While traveling, each one has a different pace. Someone might be able to go fast during a trip. But, some people might just want to be laid-back while traveling. If you can’t communicate well before traveling, it might not be easy to have a good trip.

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