

I arrived at a friend’s place in Paris at night. He opened the door, but he didn’t seem to be happy.

It was in August. I took a train from another city to Paris. In the evening, I went to a party on a boat on the Seine River. The party was really fun and I danced with some friends. At the same time, the wine served was pretty good. I did enjoy that party.

Then, I took the metro and headed to a friend’s place. I rang the bell and my friend opened the door. I showed a bottle to my friend as a gift. However, he just looked unhappy. He asked me why I didn’t text him or reply to his message.

I didn’t understand why he wasn’t happy. However, he told me that another friend was facing some problems on a street in Paris just a few weeks ago. Thus, he didn’t want to see the problem happen again and that’s why he was worried.

For me, that was the first time seeing this friend be angry. He’s always very polite and nice. He let me stay in his place and he’s just a great friend. Nonetheless, I didn’t notice that I had to let him know when I was supposed to come back.

That friend is right and this is an important lesson for me. It’s good to have a friend and a great friend can let you stay in his or her place. We should always appreciate that we have such a great friend. However, it’s important to understand how to be a good guest. It’s important to communicate with your friends and respect each other. Moreover, let him or her know what you need and understand his or her routine. Traveling is fun and spending time with good friends while traveling should be fun. But, don’t let your friend worry about you.

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