
Get out

A couple of days ago, I was watching a live show on youtube, and some people just left some comments. The host saw those comments and he was unhappy. He quickly said something and yelled, “Get out.”

Well, for me, I don’t like to say, “Get out.” Because, that really shows that I’m very angry. Nonetheless, these two words sometimes could be great to say on some occasions. A few years ago, I was traveling in India and I went to a tourist attraction with a friend. Unfortunately, we arrived in that place late and it was close. We didn’t stay there long and we were trying to get an Uber. However, it was the rush hour and we would have to wait for quite a while. We didn’t have a better choice, so we went to a metro station nearby. On the way to the metro station, someone just approached us and asked us if we needed a ride. We tried to ignore him, but he kept following us and trying to ask my friend if he could offer something to us. That guy was truly annoying and my friend suddenly said, “Get out.” That guy still followed us and my friend asked him to get out again. And, this time, the voice was louder. Eventually, that guy left and we kept walking to the metro station. For me, I would like to be polite and I don’t want to be rude. But, sometimes, you might meet someone who’s quite annoying or even rude. If this happens, it’s important to show that you are unhappy and you don’t want to be bothered. While traveling, I sometimes see people ask for money or something that I just want to ignore. I usually quickly leave away from those annoying people. However, I understand that, sometimes, it’s better to just tell them, “Get out.” 

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