
Do you wanna take it?

Sometimes, you don’t have too much time to think and all you can do is just react fast.

Several years ago, I went to Florida for a spring break and I decided to watch some baseball games. One morning, I took a shuttle bus from Tampa to Port Charlotte. The driver dropped me at a burger king with a huge parking area. Then, I took an Uber to a baseball stadium. In the taxi, I chatted a bit with the driver. I told him that I would need a ride to come back to the parking area because I would have to take a shuttle bus to Miami later in the afternoon. The Uber driver said I could call him and he was willing to drive me back.

I did enjoy watching a baseball game. However, after the 5th inning, I began to call the Uber driver. He didn’t answer at the beginning and after a few calls, he answered and said “Yes.” But, around 30 minutes later, he just didn’t show up. I was quite nervous because I might miss the shuttle bus. I quickly asked a staffer at the stadium and he gave me a number to call the local taxi company. I made a call and the guy on the phone indicated that there would be a taxi coming soon.

A few minutes later, my phone rang and it was a taxi driver. The taxi driver told me that he couldn’t come to the stadium because there was a traffic control. I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t know the area. At the same time, the driver kept asking me if I still wanted to take a taxi. I kept talking to the taxi driver to identify where I could get on the taxi. I grabbed my luggage and ran. Then, I saw there was a Harley Davidson store and asked the driver if he could drive to the store.

A few minutes later, I was in a taxi. 

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