

My friend and I went to a restaurant in Tokyo for dinner, we got some food and beers that night. We haven’t met for like 10 years, and it was truly a great night and we chatted a lot about living in Japan. After dinner, we still chatted a bit on the street and then we each went to take a metro. In the metro station, I felt something in my stomach.

I was on the platform at a metro station and was thinking about what I should do. I just didn’t know if I should go to the toilet because I didn’t have any tissues with me. Then, I realized that I was in Japan and all I needed was just to go to a toilet because the public toilets are quite clean in Japan and you basically don’t need to worry about tissues because there are toilet papers in public toilets.

I quickly moved to the toilet and my expectation was correct. The toilet is clean and there are toilet papers. I felt much better after going to the toilet. And, I took a metro back to the hotel.

We are human and going to the toilet is necessary in our life. While traveling, we might sometimes feel unwell and have to go to the toilet. However, in some countries, you just feel uncomfortable going to the public toilet since it might be clean.

For me, the best thing about traveling in Japan is that you really don’t need to worry about the public toilet. However, around 15 years ago, I was in a developing country. After being on a bus for around 2 hours, we stopped at a small village, so we could go to the toilet. I went to the toilet. But, well, the toilet was quite rural and I had to be very careful.

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