

It was a late night. A friend woke me up and I quickly grabbed the luggage. Some friends and I were going to the cars we rented.

We entered the car, it was 3 a.m. and we were ready to go back to Barcelona. On the highway in Spain, it was quiet and of course, people normally sleep in the midnight. There were only two cars. One was our car and the other car was driven by another friend. We would like to come back to Barcelona soon because we would be charged the late return fee if we returned the car late.

We were trying to return cars on time, so my friends drove fast. Well, things were ok at the beginning. However, a few moments later, something was flashing.

Around 3 or 4 months later, I got a message. A friend indicated that he was charged a certain amount of money because of violating the speed limits. Well, it was a speed camera flashing. Then, we calculated how much each one should pay and gave the money to my friends.

We did notice that it was probably a speed camera flashing. However, after a few weeks, my friend’s credit card wasn’t charged. So we thought that we were fine. But, we were fined.

It wasn’t fun to pay extra money that we don’t expect to pay. Nonetheless, a rule is a rule. A friend went to Switzerland for a business trip and he got fined because of violating the speed limit while driving as well. Some people might choose to drive during a trip and road trips are quite common in several countries. It’s important not to violate those traffic rules. Being fined is one thing, nevertheless, if there is an accident, that will be a real problem. Safety is always the top priority. 

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