
How many days are enough?

A friend shared his itinerary a few days ago. He was super excited to travel soon, additionally, some friends were discussing planning a trip to Bangkok.

One friend asked whether it’s possible to go on a two-day trip. However, some friends replied that it was too short. Mostly, those friends believe that it’s better to stay in Bangkok for at least 4 days.

For me, “How many days are enough?” is always a great question to ask before traveling. To visit some megacities of the world, a week might not be enough. Many years ago, I decided to travel to Italy and asked a friend who used to study in Italy. She told me that Roma is a city where you could stay for a week. On the other hand, in some cities, one day might be too long.

There are many ways to plan a trip. Firstly, you have to think about what you want to see, where you would like to go and what you want to do. Secondly, understanding your budget is also quite important. Thirdly, your pace of traveling is worth thinking about. Some like to see a lot in a day, some like to travel at a slow pace.

However, at the end of discussion, a friend mentioned one thing, which was extremely important. A friend said that he only had 2-day holidays this year. It’s impossible for him to go on a 3-day trip. Otherwise, he will lose his job. Well, that was tough. He can only arrange a two-day trip.

You can have a lot of ideas. However, if you only have one day or two days for traveling, your options are limited. Most of us need to work to earn some money and can’t travel as much as we would like to. Well, that’s the reality. All we can do is just enjoy those holidays and enjoy our days while traveling. 

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