
Where can you sleep?

A few days ago, I was working in a Starbucks. In that Starbucks shop, I saw a man sleeping and it seemed that it was a comfortable place.

Maybe that guy was really tired. And, that made me think of a friend who is a barista.

I used to work in a guesthouse several years ago. One holiday weekend, we organized an event and invited a barista in the guesthouse. So, visitors can taste high-quality coffee during their stay.

Unfortunately, there was an accident. One day, the power went off and it was dark in the lobby. We were trying to solve the problem and actually, we were a bit nervous because there were many visitors those days.

But, someone wasn’t nervous. As the power went off, the barista couldn’t do anything. He just lay down on the bench and immediately, another staffer heard someone snoring. That barista just fell asleep in less than one minute. Well, I was busy trying to solve the power problem and didn’t see that happen. But, that staffer just told this story after we solved the power problem. We just couldn’t stop laughing.

Then, we realized why that barista could sleep so quickly at that moment. Previously, he was a backpacker and traveled in Australia for a while. Since he was a backpacker, he didn’t have too much money to stay in a fancy hotel. But, as a human, he surely needs to sleep. Later on, he has this “ability” to sleep quickly almost everywhere.

For me, I used to fall asleep quickly after boarding. But, that barista’s ability to sleep everywhere is just unbelievable. A couple of days ago, I met a friend who used to be a colleague of that barista. She told me another crazy story, in which the barista quickly fell asleep in a place that I couldn’t imagine. 

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