
Waste my time?

Venice, Italy

Traveling is fun and there are lots of cool things to experience during a trip. However, something might not perfectly satisfy your expectations while travelling.

Several years ago, I went to Venice with some friends. In the morning, I got breakfast in the hotel and then we took a waterbus to an island. The weather wasn’t really good that day, but there were still many tourists in Venice. A friend did a lot of homework before traveling, so we basically followed her guide. Thus, in that morning, we did see a lot in Venice. Then, before going to the next island, we still had some free time.

We were checking the map to see if there’s something cool. On the map, it showed that a tower is nearby and I asked them whether going to a tower was ideal. We went there and we had to make a decision. “To go up or not?” If yes, we had to pay for the tickets. I was just thinking maybe we could see something in the tower.

We paid some euros for the tickets and took the elevator. Well, the view was good on the observation deck, but there was really nothing else. I just took some photos and we took the elevator downstairs. We only stayed in the tower for like 5 to 10 minutes.

Even though we were just staying in the tower for 10 minutes, we thought that we just wasted our time and money. Recently, I just saw some photos while I was in Italy and recalled this story. Well, it was pretty fun to travel to Italy. However, I just couldn’t forget that we decided to go to the tower. After that trip, I always check carefully before going to a tower because I don’t want to see this happen again. 

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