

It was a sunny morning. I was in a kayak in the river. I didn’t do too much but just enjoyed the sunshine.

Back in college, I used to take some interesting courses. One course was a windsurfing course and we had to practice in the river. However, later on, it turned out that I like kayaking more than windsurfing. Most of the time, I was just in a kayak during windsurfing practice.

Kayaking is surely an interesting thing to do and there’s a lot of fun. Meanwhile, it’s pretty good to take a break by the riverside. While traveling, I have seen rivers play a very important part in many cities. For example, you can’t just ignore the Seine River when you visit Paris.

When I visited France for the first time, a friend asked me whether I would like to take a Seine River cruise. We didn’t do it. However, there are several ways to enjoy the Seine.

I used to ride a bike in Paris with some friends and it was a great experience to see the city. We stopped by the Seine River and with sunshine, the river just looked so beautiful.

Moreover, in the spring and summer days, the banks of the Seine are great for a relaxed picnic. On a Friday afternoon, I was walking with some friends and we saw so many people having a picnic. Everyone looked just relaxed and was ready for holidays. A friend from France told me that I could ask for a cup of wine from those people on a picnic.

Well, I didn’t ask for a cup of wine then. However, I truly enjoyed strolling along the riverside while visiting some cities. In particular, stopping by a river in a large city is always quite interesting and I like to see whether there are some fun river activities. 

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