

A few weeks ago, I watched a video on YouTube. In the video, a pilot shared information and he indicated the differences between Airbus A350 and Boeing 787.

The video was recorded by a pilot of the Boeing 787. However, in the video, he truly showed that he wasn’t truly satisfied with Boeing 787 and he indicated that there is just a lot to improve. Moreover, he demonstrated that the Airbus A350 is much better. He’s an experienced pilot and before becoming a Boeing 787 pilot, he used to fly several types of planes. It was quite interesting to see a pilot’s opinion on different flights. Well, I didn’t have any experience flying a plane. But, I used to visit a lot of countries by plane. Watching the video and understanding what he’s complaining about helped me gain some knowledge of aircraft. However, his complaints really made me think of flying with a well-known airline. That airline is well known for providing cheap flight tickets. So, when I had to fly to Barcelona. I thought of taking a plane from this airline and I did book a ticket online. I arrived at the airport, which is quite far away from downtown. When I was boarding, I just couldn’t believe what I saw. Plastic seats. Well, I never took a flight with plastic seats and that truly opened my mind. It wasn’t a long flight, but you can never feel comfortable on a plastic seat. All I wanted was just to arrive as soon as possible. Additionally, the flight attendants just didn’t look professional and they were just trying to sell something. Well, I did read complaints about that airline online and when I took it, I fully understood why those customers were unhappy. It’s cheap to buy flight tickets from this airline, but you really have to know that you can’t expect great service.

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