

A couple of months ago, I saw some beers in a convenience store. There was a beer festival campaign, in which you can find beers from different countries in a store during a certain period. Normally, it lasts like one month. I found some beers from Finland and when I checked the address, it was a city that a friend used to live in. I quickly texted my friend to ask him whether the beer factory is near his home.

He told me that his parents are still living in that city and one of his friends works for that beer company. Additionally, he asked me to drink as much as possible. Well, I did buy some beers, however, I didn’t drink crazily.

Moreover, before I saw those beers, he actually sent me a link about a new beer in Finland. It was a Finnish brewery that decided to launch NATO beer with “taste of security”. I told him that I would like to taste this beer once I visit Finland again.

In addition, we chatted about some wines and alcohol. He doesn’t like alcohol in Asia. Well, he actually hates them. Nonetheless, when we talked about some beverages in Asia, he just couldn’t stop telling me how much he likes those beverages.


Indeed, he truly likes those beverages. Every time we met in Asia, we always went to a shop to get some beverages. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, he hasn’t come to Asia for more than two years. But, he just keeps saying that he misses those beverages.

A couple of days ago, I went to a tea shop and got a cup of tea. I took a photo and sent it to my friend. He asked me whether I prepared one for him. I said, “Of course.” Just come as soon as possible. 

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