
Extreme weather

This year, it was quite hot in the summer. I talked to some friends in the summer and they didn’t want to go outside because it was just too hot.

More than 10 years ago, I was traveling in Sydney and on the first two or three days, I really didn’t do much. At the beginning of my trip in Sydney, it was just raining. And, when I watched the weather report on TV, it showed that the volume of rainfall during those days was reaching a monthly record.

My friends were indicating that I was lucky to witness the “record.” However, it wasn’t an easy trip. It was just raining a lot and at the beginning of the trip, we didn’t go to many places and most of the time, we stayed indoors. Additionally, on the second day of the trip, my sneakers were just wet and I only had a pair of sneakers.

The next morning, my sneakers were still wet and I used a lot of toilet paper and paper towels to try to dry my sneakers. Nonetheless, it was truly raining a lot and I couldn’t believe that my sneakers would be so wet. I spent more than one hour and my sneakers were just a bit drier.

It’s been more than 10 years since I traveled to Sydney. However, I just couldn’t forget those two or three days with heavy rainfalls. My sneakers didn’t last too long after that trip, but since then, I always try to avoid making my sneakers or shoes so wet while traveling. Normally, I don’t have an extra pair of shoes while traveling. If the shoes get wet, it will just make the trip tougher. Hence, it’s important for me to check the weather forecast before traveling and it helps me avoid getting into some troubles. 

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