
Jet lag?

It was around 6:30 p.m. I arrived at the Sao Paulo airport and a friend’s father was waiting for me and the other friend. We were going to a wedding in Brazil. The first night, we would stay at an apartment in Sao Paulo.

We arrived at the apartment and I quickly showed some pastries to some newly met friends. However, we didn’t chat too much. After a long flight, my friend and I were a bit tired. And, I slept on a couch.

The next morning, I woke up, trying to get some water and food. In the kitchen, one friend asked me if I was sleeping well. I told him that I gained some energy back after sleeping. Then, he asked me whether I had jet lag. Well, I didn’t think so and during the trip, jet lag didn’t happen.

However, things became interesting after coming back. I was quite sleepy on the first day home. I just ate some noodles and fell asleep. I did sleep for quite a while. Well, basically, I missed a day.

But, that friend didn’t sleep much on the first day coming back home. I was quite surprised that she didn’t have jet lag. But, two days later, I saw a post on Facebook. Her brother was trying to call her and she didn’t reply. Her brother was a bit nervous and asked whether some friends could reach her. A few hours later, my friend posted on Facebook and indicated that she had a long sleep and didn’t hear anything from her phone. She didn’t think that she would have jet lag. However, it did happen. That long sleep did make her brother worry a bit since my friend didn’t answer his phone call. Her brother almost decided to call the police if my friend kept unanswered. 

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