

I was browsing on a Japanese online retailer’s website and trying to see if there’s something cool to buy. I saw a notice. “With the ongoing situation in Ukraine, couriers have partially suspended delivery to the Europe region. Due to this, the store is not currently accepting orders from said region. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”

Because of covid-19 pandemics, I can’t send mail or postcards to some friends because the postal service is not available between my home country and the country where some of my friends currently live. Additionally, with the ongoing situation, lots of airlines have to change air routes. One of my friends is a pilot and sometimes, he flies from Asia to Europe. This year, he has already seen some changes in air routes because some regions are forbidden. He has to study the airways again because they have to avoid being in some unsafe regions. While traveling, I also met several friends who like to travel. However, now, it’s not safe for them to go back to their home country and at the same time, they have to worry about the safety of their friends and family. Previously, I sent some postcards to these friends. But now, I really don’t know when the postal service will be available again. I would like to send some presents to wish them a happy birthday, however, I have to click the pause button because there’s no postal service. A few days ago, I was in a coffee shop and sent some photos to a great friend who likes traveling as much as I do. We quickly chatted a bit and for sure, we hope to travel and meet somewhere around the world soon. We met in Europe and back then, traveling was much easier. We didn’t expect much, but we all hope peace will come soon.

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