
Postal service

“Hey man, how are you?”

“How have you been?”

A friend sent me a message via Facebook messenger a couple of months ago. He’s a great friend of mine and now he lives in Croatia. I used to travel to Croatia to visit him a couple of times. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, we can only keep in touch by sending messages.

I like traveling. I frequently send postcards to friends and family while traveling. I’ve sent postcards to this friend several times and he’s always happy to receive postcards from me.

However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, I haven’t sent a postcard to him over the last couple of years because the postal service isn’t available between my home country and Croatia. Yes, it’s quite weird that the postal service is not still available to certain regions or countries.

I told my friend that I truly would like to send him some postcards and travel soon. However, we might still have to be a little more patient because traveling isn’t going to be the same as it used to be. Meanwhile, I do remember those good moments when we got beers and pizzas in Croatia. He also indicated that he would like to host me if I could come again.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been more than two years since the first covid-19 case was found. Several friends who used to work in the travel and tourism industry already changed their jobs and it was a tough decision for them. Moreover, several industries are also highly impacted. The travel industry is not fully recovered, but I do hope to see some other industries return to normal or to a new normal. Additionally, I’ve been visiting some cities recently and I would like to send postcards to many friends. Nonetheless, some cards are still on hold for now.

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