
Stamps, insufficient?

I was chatting with some good friends online a few days ago. We were colleagues several years ago and after leaving the company that we used to work for, we still keep in touch. However, we aren’t living in the same city as we used to be. When I travel, I normally send them postcards.

But, sometimes, sending a postcard is not that easy. A few years ago, one of those friends posted a photo on Facebook and she appreciated that I wrote a postcard. However, she indicated that there was an “insufficient postage” stamp on the postcard. Well, that was actually my first time seeing that stamp. My friend asked me whether I remembered to put on a stamp.

That postcard was sent when I was at an airport in London. It was in the morning, I just finished a trip and was going to board soon. Nonetheless, I didn’t have enough time to write some postcards to my friends while in the city. I was just exploring in the airport and saw some postcards at a shop. I asked a staff member in the shop to see if I can buy stamps and whether there is a mailbox. Thankfully, the mailbox isn’t too far away and I can buy postcards and stamps in that shop. So, I decided to quickly write postcards before boarding.

I probably wrote about 20 postcards and put stamps. Then, I ran to the mailbox and put in those postcards.

A couple of weeks later, some friends told me that they got a postcard and they were really happy. Nonetheless, a postcard was delayed. When my friend received the postcard, it was like two months later and the postcard was with an “insufficient postage” stamp. Well, at least my friend got the postcard. Nevertheless, I did remember that I attached stamps on all postcards. 

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