

I saw a friend in the apartment and saw there was something different. I asked her if she had a new pair of glasses. She said yes.


Best travel mates?

A few days ago, I listened to a podcast show. In the show, the hosts were discussing mates. After listening to the show, I began to think about travel mates.



“Hey, we would like to go to a karaoke, would you like to join us?” A friend asked me.


Social media

Just a few days ago, I talked to a friend, who just came back to the apartment. We chatted a little bit and she indicated that she went back from a bistro.



A friend sent a link to a chat group, in which we talked about football. He demonstrated that he felt so emotional after watching a video.



I was waiting for a friend. He was going to a restaurant that he works for. And I was going to a store near that restaurant. We decided to go there by bike.



A few weeks ago, I was working in a shared office. Suddenly, I heard a sound, which was getting louder and louder.


I think I will come back

“Hey, are you staying in that place in July?” I got a message from a friend, who has traveled a lot this year.



In late May, a well-known global semiconductor manufacturing company faced a serious problem. Its labor union called the strike. I watched the news and several experts analyzed the impacts of the strike.



A few days ago, I listened to a podcast show. In the show, a guest indicated that he really likes a cartoon character and he likes to buy merchandise of that character.



Several weeks ago, I was browsing Facebook and saw a post. The post was very interesting. It was a painting which clearly showed a long queue in front of the painting of Mona Lisa.



A few weeks ago, I read an article about a mayor’s decision. A mayor decided to paint an old building into bright colors.


You like sausage?

A few months ago, I watched an interview on YouTube. In the interview, a football star from Germany asked a question to a player that used to play for England.


A friend’s dream comes true

A few months ago, I got a message from a friend. We’ve known each other for more than 10 years. In the message, she invited me to an opening event.


One that I didn’t go

I received a message on Facebook messenger. A friend provided her ideas on my trip to Paris. She indicated that we would go to a restaurant that provides a very unique dining experience.



I was standing in front of a clothes dryer and took out my clothes. However, I found that I made a mistake.


Come visit us

A couple of months ago, I had dinner with some old friends. We really enjoyed the dinner and talked a lot. And a friend, who is doing business in China, indicated that he and his wife would like to see us visit them soon.



I was in a discount store, which provides a wide range of products. While looking at some products, my phone rang. A friend asked me if I would be available for dinner the next day.



A few days ago, I was taking the metro. In the metro, I saw the signs with different languages and the station announcements are in several languages as well.


I want to have a go

A few weeks ago, I watched an interview on YouTube. The host used to be a football star and he interviewed another football star who used to win the World Cup.


Washington, D.C.

A few months ago, I listened to a podcast show. In the show, the host mentioned his trip in Washington, D.C. He went to D.C. with some athletes.



In April, I watched an interview on YouTube. It was a conversation between 2 great football stars. When they were playing, they each had a rich history in winning trophies. During the interview, a star indicated that he used to transfer to other teams and for him, he had to adapt to a new team and a new environment. Moreover, of course, the weather of a different city.


Road trip?

A couple of months ago, a good friend sent me a message to ask me if I would like to take a road trip.



A few weeks ago, I went to a local market. It was so crowded in the market. Some people were buying vegetables. Some people were buying clothes. Some people were buying some food. There are just so many things to buy in that local market.


It’s so hot

I saw some posts on Instagram. A friend just arrived in Thailand and he indicated that it was so hot.


Post office

A friend just packed his package and was ready to leave the hostel. It was a sunny day and he had to take a flight in the afternoon. Before that day, we just grabbed some beers and I wish him the best in the future.


Gambling scandal

In late March, a huge news alert was shown on my phone. It was about illegal gambling on sports.


Free tickets?

Sometimes you meet a weird person in life. And sometimes, you have a weird experience during a trip.



I was browsing Facebook and saw a post. The post was from a fast food company and it showed a campaign of one of its well-known burgers.


Through the rain

In some countries, there’s a rainy season. For travelers, it’s better to avoid traveling in the rainy season.


Retirement announced

A few months ago, I watched a YouTube video. A well-known captain announced that he was going to retire this year.



I was in a hotel lobby, waiting for a staffer. She came back and gave me a bottle of mineral water.



A couple of days ago, I watched a reel on Instagram. A YouTuber and his family went to a strawberry farm. His kids looked so happy to taste fresh strawberries.



I was walking on the street. My colleagues and I just finished eating pasta in a restaurant.



A few days ago, I was in a hostel. I was working in a study room. However, there was one thing, which was annoying.



I was browsing Facebook and suddenly, someone shared an article of a tour guide.


Travel agencies’ problems?

A few months ago, I watched the news on TV. A group of people traveled to Vietnam and a local agency asked them to pay first. Otherwise, they won’t be able to continue the trip.


YOU have to pay attention

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me if I was available for dinner. “Of course.” I replied. We went to a restaurant, which serves good Vietnamese cuisine. We didn’t order much, but those cuisines were pretty good.



It’s May. Summer is coming. For sure, lots of people are planning to go to a beach for the summertime.



A few months ago, I was in a Starbucks, waiting for a good friend.


List of hotels

A few days ago, I had dinner with former colleagues. That was a great night and we chatted a lot. The topics ranged from work to travel. Some of us really like traveling.


Prepare breakfast

A few weeks ago, I stayed in a hostel. One morning, I saw a roommate preparing breakfast. He prepared salad and coffee. His breakfast didn’t look fancy, but it was good.


Sleep in the airport

A few months ago, a friend gave me a call. He planned to travel to Japan and asked me if I could go to the airport with him.


Toilet in a hostel

A few months ago, I stayed in a hostel. However, there was a serious problem in that hostel.


A friend’s post

A few months ago, I saw a friend’s post on Facebook. She just finished a trip in the United States and came back to her hometown. She hadn’t gone back home for a while and when she came back, there were a lot of things on her to-do list.



A couple of months ago, a friend went to a city in Northeast China with her family. Before she took the trip, I told her that I went to another city in Northeast China.


A plan that didn’t work

Several months ago, a friend asked me to go to the airport with him. The flight he took departed in the early morning, hence, he chose to arrive at the airport at 4 a.m.


Oh, my stomach

A couple of months ago, I went to a hospital because there were some problems with my stomach. I didn’t feel well and went to the toilet several times a day.


Going to a show

A few months ago, I went to a sports card show. In the show, there were so many vendors and I saw many great sports cards. At the same time, I also met some old friends there.


The airports

In late December, I was checking an order on amazon. It showed that the products were in DFW airport and were ready to ship.