

A few weeks ago, I was working in a shared office. Suddenly, I heard a sound, which was getting louder and louder.


The sound was from a fire truck siren. And it actually made me a bit nervous as the sound got closer. I quickly went out and some friends who were working also went out. We saw a fire truck pass by. In the end, there weren’t any incidents near the office.


Well, seeing some accidents isn’t good. Nonetheless, sometimes, it could happen. I used to watch the news on TV and a reporter indicated that a bus accident happened in the mountains. And those people on the bus were travelers. They went on a group trip.


It’s not good to see those accidents happen. Hence, an important thing is to avoid it. For example, in a hotel, you can check where the emergency exit is first or where you can find fire extinguishers. Additionally, before taking a bus, it’s important to see the safety instructions first. So, you at least know what to do if something happens. Of course, it’s important to watch the in-flight safety video.


There’s always something unexpected in life and on a trip. Sometimes, you see something good. Sometimes, it’s something that you don’t want to see again. Being prepared is always the best way to avoid troubles. I don’t take it for granted. I understand that there are always some risks in life.


Thankfully, there wasn't anything serious that day. After coming back to the office, I quickly checked the fire extinguishers and the exits with some friends. I don’t want to overreact. However, a quick glance seems to be reasonable. Indeed, sometimes, you just need like 5 to 10 minutes to check before taking a trip and it will make your trip safer and better.

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