

In late May, a well-known global semiconductor manufacturing company faced a serious problem. Its labor union called the strike. I watched the news and several experts analyzed the impacts of the strike.


A strike is usually not ideal. However, if the leadership team and the labor union couldn’t reach a deal. It would happen.


After watching the news, I began to think about some trips that were impacted by a strike. It was 10 years ago, I decided to travel to Bologna. After arriving at the airport, I was thinking about going to an automobile museum.


It seems that the museum isn’t close to the airport. It wasn’t so easy to go to that museum. Hence, I decided to take a taxi. The taxi driver could speak English, so we tried to chat a little bit. The taxi driver indicated that there was a bus driver strike that day. And in the afternoon, there weren’t any buses.


It didn’t take too long to arrive at the museum and I waved goodbye to the taxi driver. I spent some time in the automobile museum and I saw so many fantastic sports cars.


After visiting the museum, I walked a little bit to a bus stop. I waited for some time and there was a bus coming. I paid the ticket and people on the bus looked at me weirdly.


Well, I didn’t really know if the bus driver strike actually ended after I visited the museum. But back then, there wasn’t internet service on my phone. The only choice I had was waiting for a bus.


Anyway, I did take a bus and I was able to arrive in a hostel on time. This time, the strike didn’t cause huge troubles. Nonetheless, some other times, strikes truly forced me to change my itineraries and sometimes, it wasn’t easy to do it.

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