

“Hey, we would like to go to a karaoke, would you like to join us?” A friend asked me.


A few weeks ago, a friend called me and asked me if I would like to go to a karaoke with him. We used to go to several karaokes and it was quite entertaining to go to a karaoke with him.


Well, it was a bit difficult for me to manage it because I had to go to another town. In the end, I didn’t go to that karaoke with my friend. However, when it comes to karaoke, I remember that I went to a karaoke with some friends in Tokyo.


On my first trip to Tokyo, one night, my friends introduced me to a Japanese friend. That night, we decided to go to a karaoke place before having dinner. I’m not good at singing but I like to listen to songs. In particular, my friends are very good at singing. Hence, in the karaoke, I basically listened to my friends sing.


The karaoke in Japan is quite different from the karaoke I went to before. But it was still fun. At least it’s a different experience. We probably wouldn't go to a karaoke place if that Japanese friend wasn’t there.


I’m glad that we went to the karaoke that night and I knew what a karaoke looks like in Japan. For me, it’s always interesting to go to some recreational places that are hard to find in other cities. Firstly, I like to learn a different lifestyle or at least understand why this place could be popular here. Additionally, those places could provide a different way of experiencing the city. And the best thing is probably that there’s a local friend who can show you around. So, you won’t waste your time and he or she can tell you a little bit more about those places.

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