

I was in a discount store, which provides a wide range of products. While looking at some products, my phone rang. A friend asked me if I would be available for dinner the next day.


He’s a great friend of mine. So, it didn’t take much time for me to say yes. The next day, I arrived at the restaurant. Well, a little bit late.


The main courses of that restaurant are made by shrimps. I like seafood and shrimps are one of my favorites. Hence, entering the restaurant, I couldn’t wait to taste good shrimp food. Those shrimp foods are so good.


As one of the staffers said, one of the main courses actually originated from Thailand. Hearing that, I began to think about a story, which is about shrimps.


In the summer, I was in Barcelona. I was waiting for some friends. It was in the evening, there were some delays. I was a bit hungry and decided to check if there were some restaurants nearby. Well, I wasn’t in downtown, so there weren’t so many options.


I saw a restaurant and went in there. I just had little knowledge about Spanish and was doing my best to figure out what to order. I ordered some food. I didn’t order much. However, after I finished the food, a staffer put a shrimp meal on the table. I didn’t order it and told the staffer.


Well, it turned out that he thought that I was ordering. I asked the staffer about that meal, nonetheless, I didn’t think that I needed to eat that much. But the staffer thought that I would like to order. I don’t like to waste food, so I asked the staffer to pack it. I took it away. The next day, I put it into a microwave but the shrimp became a little bit…

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