
You like sausage?

A few months ago, I watched an interview on YouTube. In the interview, a football star from Germany asked a question to a player that used to play for England.


That question is to ask that player from England if he likes sausage.


Sausage. That’s something I like. Growing up, I liked the sausage cuisines that my grandmother prepared. Additionally, during holidays, I like the sausage meals that my aunt prepared. Sausage is actually common and popular in the region I live in.


While traveling, I like to taste some sausages in some regions. On my first trip to Germany, my friend and I took a train to Heidelberg. We arrived in Heidelberg in the afternoon. My friend and I decided to have lunch first.


We chose a restaurant that looks ok. And I didn’t think too much. I chose to order a sausage meal. When the dish came, it didn’t let me down. Yes, sometimes, in some countries, you really have to order something authentic in that region. And I’m glad that I made the decision.


In addition, one time, I took a bus from Poland to Germany. I arrived in Berlin in the evening. It was a rainy day. I quickly checked in and left my luggage in a hotel. And I went out to see if there’s something to eat. Well, it didn’t take too long for me. I saw a stand that sells sausage and I ordered a sausage meal again. This time, the flavor was a bit different. Nonetheless, it still tasted good.


If that football star asks me whether I like sausage, I won’t hesitate to say yes. I like different types of sausage meals. Well, I will check some local restaurants and try to make a reservation for a restaurant that sells good sausage.

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